Mini Set #4 – June 29, 2020

Thanks so much to all who’ve checked out these small sets of music, and additionally to those who’ve left something in the tip jar and written kind notes via the PayPal transmissions over the weeks.  We managed to raise a little over five hundred bucks for the NAACP Legal Defense Fund and Know Your Rights Camp with the last one.  

I’ve been drawing scattershot from all over the catalog so far, trying to get to some requests from within the comments section of set #1.  I aim to keep with that, but given that we’re in this for the long haul, I’ll open the floor to votes:  

Would you rather see these sets kept at random?  Or would you rather see each one focus on a particular Centro/SSG/solo/collaborative release?  I’ll keep a pencil in hand.  As far as I can tell, either scenario presents a decent chance to re-work or finally learn some songs I’ve written over the years.   

For now, here’s set #4:
1.  Little Raider
2.  D. Boon-Free (a ninth grade crime)
3.  Famished Raven
4.  Vultures Await
5.  Ocean/Sea (unreleased)

Virtual tip jar is here:

A new solo LP is done, titled El Capitan.  It’s a minimalist thing, written in hotel bathrooms, bars, cars, and at friend’s kitchen tables, tracked by Britton Beisenherz at Ramble Creek Recording a few weeks ago.  Britton, Lindsey Verrill and Thor Harris contributed beautifully, at points from afar, thanks to modern tech.  Timeline for release is still to be worked out.  But what is time anymore?

As always, with love and respect, in strength and in solidarity.  -Will J.  

Now playing:
Bessie Jones:  Get In Union
Apollo Brown:  Sincerely, Detroit
Brigid Mae Power:  Head Above The Water
Pure Hell:  Noise Addiction


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